THE TOP 10 HAVE BEEN CHOSEN! SOMEONE IS GOING TO WIN $1,000! Vote for your favorite below who sang the “GOTTA GO TO MCELVEEN” jingle and the Top 3 will be invited to the Finale on Saturday, April 30th 11am-1pm at McElveen to compete for the $1,000! To Vote: Email [email protected] the name of the finalist you are…MORE

“Banana Peel Challenge” Next fad among teenagers…

    A new viral trend among young people is called “The Banana Peel Challenge” and its exactly what you are thinking. Kids are purposely slipping on banana peels… SAY WHA? THIS IS REAL. Watch HERE   ~SparkleMORE

Is that Letterman or Santa Clause?

Photo cred: Amy Wagliardo Paparazzi found a bald, bearded David Letterman running on the beach in St. Bart’s.  TBH, without the caption I wouldn’t have recognized him at all. Check out the pics HERE!   @YonniRudeMORE

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