
TONIGHT, 95SX and DJ YNot will go live from Deco Charleston in a virtual editon of Friday Night Live to benefit the Charleston F&B and musician communities. First, tune in on your radio, on 95sx.com or on DECO’s live broadcast on Instagram live (@decocharleston) to enjoy the beats from DJ YNot. Second, do what you…MORE

How to donate medical supplies to local hospitals

Lowcountry Hospitals are in need of medical supplies. If you would like to help…here is how. ITEMS NEEDED: Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like masks, gloves, and goggles are in short supply nationwide. *N95 masks *Surgical masks *Protective eyewear *Face guards and shields *Sterile gloves *Hand sanitizer *Industrial cleaning wipes *Thermometers (all kinds) *Toilet paper *Hydroxychloroquine *Azithromycin…MORE

Local Event Cancellations and Postponements

Several local events have been canceled or postpones and businesses are announcing closures due to the rapidly evolving situation regarding the coronavirus pandemic. CANCELED OR POSTPONED EVENTS The Special Olympics of South Carolina has canceled the Charleston/Dorchester Spring Games which were scheduled for March 18th.. The North Charleston POPS! “Pops in Space” concert scheduled for Saturday, March…MORE

Restaurants Open for Business

Here’s what’s open or scheduled to be open around the Lowcountry. These are subject to change so we suggest calling in advance. Delivery Services Door Dash Offering no-contact delivery GrubHub Offering no-contact delivery Allows you to donate your change to the Grubhub Community Relief Fund. Donations to the fund go to charitable organizations supporting local restaurants and…MORE

9 Tips for Working From Home

The global spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), is keeping people at home. If you’re new to the work-from-home lifestyle, you’ll need to change some of your habits and routines to make working from home a success. 1. Maintain Regular Hours Set a schedule, and stick to it…most of the time. Having clear guidelines for when to…MORE

“95sx 10,000 Hours of Love” Valentine’s Party

If you’re looking for 10,000 hours of love OR someone “Yummy” for the night, 95sx has your ‘Hook-Up’ this Saturday, 02/15! Join us at Ireland’s Own in West Ashley from 7-9pm for our 10,000 HOURS OF LOVE PARTY! We’re giving away a pair of tickets to see Justin Bieber in Columbia 7/27 plus tickets to…MORE

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